Aug 19, 2013


Happily...I've been doing more workshops this season. I enjoy doing them very much. Meeting new people and watching their creativity is wonderful. Always fun to share with others.
I had a workshop just over a week ago in Peace Dale, RI. It was a great class and soo many terrific art pieces came out of that. Here are a sampling of pics from that class......

 Anytime you spend hours talking with and helping others to understand the process and work through challenges, you inevitably learn new things yourself as well. It's a bit of a "win win" situation!

I have another class coming up in Oct. in the lovely town of Wickford, RI.
The fall classes are not posted on their website right at the moment...but I do have their flier posted below.
If you are going to be in the area and would like to take the one day the Wickford Art Assoc. directly at 401-294-6840 to register. Would love to see you there.

Keep in mind that I not only enjoy giving workshops...but I also "Love" to if you have an art venue or association that sponsors visiting artists...send them my way. I'd be happy to travel and conduct a two or three day workshop right in your area.